Gifted and Talented at Ryan Elementary

Jeffco GT Vision:

We are focused on Actualizing Learners' Potential for gifted and high-ability learners in Jeffco Public Schools.

We believe all students deserve an education that will provide meaningful growth academically, socially, and emotionally. See our Definition of a GT Student and our Board Policy on Gifted Education.

ALPs at Ryan

In the 2022-23 school year, the Jeffco Public Schools is implementing a new process for secondary Advanced Learning Plan goal completion.

  • ALP students will receive an email to their school account

  • In that email titled " Initial ALP Questionnaire", ALP students will learn how to access the ALP student portal

  • The ALP student portal also includes links to videos to help students understand how to think about their goals, as well as a hyperdoc of suggested goal topics.

  • Students may want to utilize these tools before completing the questionnaire.

  • Once the goals have been set, you may find it helpful to encourage your child to log back into the portal every week or so and consider what progress s/eh is making toward the goal. This is not about pressure to perform, but rather about considering focus and and forward momentum.

  • Students will receive and email mid-year to progress monitor their goal.

  • In April or May, ALP students will receive an email for them to close out their 2022-23 ALP goal.

Wondering about how to be identified as gifted and talented?

Click here for more information or to make a GT Identification Referral

District GT Main Office Phone: 303-982-6650