Grades K-5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays
Breakfast served from 7:20-7:40 am
Grades K-5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays
Soft Start 7:35-7:45 am - this is when students can enter the buliding
School Starts at 7:45am - instruction begins promptly at 7:45am
Kinder Dismissed at 2:30 - this allows families who have children in multiple grades to grab the littles and meet the other child outside their classrooms for dismissal.
1st -5th grade - School is Dismissed 2:35
Grades PK-5 Thursdays Late Start (request child supervision if not in SAE)
All times shift one hour later every Thursday morning (8:45 start time for PK - 5).
Before and After care is always 6:30am-6:00pm